Thursday, February 24, 2022

(#4771) As putin murders republicans smile

      As you may know I have been calling out the republican party for its undemocratic behaviors and speech. It is now time again for not only me but for all of us to do so with no doubt as to our purpose. It takes courage to stand up in uncomfortable times and call out the wrong when the wrong is a powerful wrong. Many of us are afraid of what might happen to us just for being honest. Well I can tell you right now that the harm that will come to you for not displaying the courage to be honest is much worse. Maybe not in immediate actions but in your head where you live 24-7. Being a coward just to stay alive and then be willing to accept whatever fate some bully has for you is not living, it is a slow death filled with shame.
     So that is our dilemma on the left, to be afraid of consequences. That is natural to be afraid but we, all of us have got to push past the fear and do what all of us secretly, or not secretly, want to do and that is be a hero. Life as someone trying to be heroic is far better and much more satisfying than being like and Ostrich and hiding your head in the sand all the while being exposed to all kinds of harm. On the other hand we have the far right in the US actually giddy that putin is being a grave aggressor. They obviously don't want to be in putin's path of destruction because they would also be dead for nothing more than just existing. But they don't think like that. They just like the fact that putin is fighting against democracy.
     Which brings me to the point of this post. The republican party has foregone democracy as a ruling principle and are now embracing authoritarianism as a way forward. Where brutal and cruel nazis and crusading christians can rule the land with no allegiance to one person one vote. They don't ever want to let power go and would not let a democratic form of government ever come back into existence. This is what is facing our United States of America today. There is time to stop it but that time is running out very quickly. So all of those who have been silent and nonchalant about what is happening politically in our nation have got to find their spines and either stand up for what our nation ascribes to as a democratic republic, or stay silent and become like nazi Germany and let the mass killing begin.

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