Monday, February 7, 2022

(#4754) manchin and sinema don't want democracy for all eligible Americans

      If you can read what manchin and sinema did to deny voting rights protections as something different than my headline then please do turn yourself into a pretzel by giving another reason. There is no other explanation possible or logical that can make them correct in their denial. Either you want to give every eligible American the right to vote or you don't. Well both manchin and sinema voted to keep the current senate rules which would not allow a carve out for voting rights from the prejudicial senate rule called a filibuster. I expected every republican senator to vote against voting rights protections because to be a republican is to be against voting rights for all. If you think that statement is wrong then please once again turn yourself into a pretzel and try to deny it with a straight face.
     But to have 2 democratic senators vote with republicans to deny voting rights protections for all eligible American citizens is not only ghastly but it is traitorous to our constitution. Our democracy demands that all of us who are eligible to vote be protected in being able to cast that vote. But 2 democratic senators, manchin and sinema, have decided that it is okay to let republicans continue to deny eligible voters the right to cast their ballot. The fundamental premise of a democracy is the vote of eligible citizens. To work as an ally to those who are denying the right to vote to eligible citizens is appalling and a traitorous violation of democratic norms.
     We democrats have 2 senators within our party who are devoid of the character and the courage it takes to be leaders. Instead they are followers of those who would curb and limit our democracy toward it becoming less democratic and more autocratic. The likes of manchin and sinema will not get away from the stench of their betrayal to those who will now not be able to vote due to republican legislation. The shame of manchin and sinema will not be forgotten not will it ever be erased. Both are now scourges of fair and free elections along with their pals in the republican party. both of these horrible people will find out just how rotten we see them as when they try to run another election for a public position!

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