Wednesday, February 16, 2022

(#4763) Federal lawsuits against Texas and Georgia over restrictive voting rights are proceeding

      Although manchin and sinema have failed to protect voting rights, under assault from the republican party, the federal courts are still in play. the likelihood of both of the federal lawsuits against these states succeeding is still unknown yet the premise by which these laws were enacted are false premises. So maybe the courts will be able to reverse these laws and declare them unconstitutional. It is my hope that they are reversed and then the collateral damage done in other states will be mitigated. I have no doubt that the cases will end up in an expedited hearing before the not supreme court and who knows then just how craven, or not, the court will act.
     The fact that it still smarts from the manchin, sinema rebuke of democratic efforts to pass voting rights protections nationally when all of this mess could have been avoided had manchin and sinema not been disloyal to our democracy. But they were and are not soon to change anything about their disloyalty the courts are our only available recourse at the moment. It is hard to know just how the not supreme court will fall on this but you can bet that the republican extremists on the court will be hard pressed to vote objectively. They have shown that their allegiance to the republican party is greater than their allegiance to our national constitution.
     We should know shortly on the outcome of these lawsuits as the primary races are already in play. The longer it takes for decisions to come down the less likely any changes will be made. Which would be bad for democracy and for the ideal of one person one vote. I shouldn't have to be writing about this since it is a fundamental aspect of our democracy. The right to vote should never be hindered, it should always be enhanced. I used to think we lived in a democracy but after watching what the republican party has been doing to our democracy and the voters not punishing the republican party for doing it, unfortunately, I have come to know that we have moved further away from the ideals of our founders.

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