Tuesday, February 1, 2022

(#4748) We're are screwed, manchin still thinking he is president

      I had hoped over the new year that manchin and sinema could be persuaded to follow the democratic agenda with a bit more loyalty to party but no, at least with manchin that is not the case. I won't go into sinema now until I hear more info but it seems that she hasn't changed either with her big cash haul from republican donors. But manchin has already taken the mantle of being president in his mind by working on the voting rights protection bill he wants to do with republicans that is more or less a pittance compared to real President Biden's voting protection bill.
     Instead manchin wants to do a slim to nothing bill with republicans all the while distancing himself from the Build Back Better bill. So manchin has become the fake president much like trump wants to be, and as an aside, trump must be furious with manchin for stealing his thunder. So not only do we democrats have to fend off the crazy from trump but we also must deal with the mental case manchin who has usurped the legislative agenda away from President Biden and Senate majority leader Schumer. The republicans must be beside themselves laughing at the antics of manchin, behind his back of course, all the while patting him on the back for his courage.
     Which to conclude puts we democrats in a straight jacket trying to make sense of the nonsensical. Our majority is being squandered by both manchin and sinema but manchin is the one who is the leader of the two delusional democratic senators. Regardless of their ranking they are putting a knife in the back of our agenda rightly earned with victories in the 2020 election. I cannot say just how much I despise anyone who would thwart not only helping our nation defeat income inequality but who also want to undermine our elections. If I had my way with both manchin and sinema you would either love me or hate me with what I would do with them, metaphorically for the most part.

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