Thursday, February 17, 2022

(#4764) The republican party is dying and the corporate media is not being honest about it!

      What does the republican party have to offer the working middle poor class? I am waiting to hear anything so someone tell me what we get by voting for republicans? Do we get to stigmatize those of color? Yes, we get that. Do we get our tax dollars put toward denying our right to vote? Yes, we get that. Do we get to help billionaires keep from having to pay any taxes? Yes, we get that. Do we get to keep too many people in poverty? Yes, we get that. Do we get to keep the aged and infirmed in such dire straits that they have little hope left of some decency in their lives? Yes, we get that. Do our women get denied the choices over their own bodies? Yes, we get that.
     I suppose the republican party does offer our working middle poor class something, but that something is not anything we want. Why would we want to have opportunities taken from us? Why would we want to be condescended to like we are some unwanted child? Why would we want a life that does not include the hope of happiness when we can be made to feel frustration and despair? Why would we not want the republican party to treat us as if our very existence is a burden to them? Why wouldn't we want that since that is what they are offering and we must know that what republicans want for us is better than anything we would want for ourselves?
     So while the corporate media continues to write and talk about how republicans are no different than democrats and need to be back in leadership, those like me are frustrated that what is offered by republicans for us, the working middle poor class, is worthless to our right to live in our democracy. I don't know about anyone else but when a political party has nothing positive to offer why would anyone vote for them? I often take it for granted that those who vote for republicans will see them for what worthless scum they are and vote for democrats but I have yet to see that in any significant way. It is like we like the nothing, along with the pain that causes, as reason to vote for republicans.

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