Wednesday, February 9, 2022

(#4756) We democrats keep working on behalf of the American working middle poor!

      The wealthy are doing great if you haven't noticed so them needing any help right now is absurd. So we democrats are totally focused on helping the working middle poor class no matter if they are urban or rural. Every part of our country is getting some relief if we can get the bills passed into law. There are no republicans practically at all who want to help the working middle poor class and there are 2 democratic senators who are just like republicans and don't want to help the working middle poor class either. They are manchin and sinema as you have heard many times from me. Yet we democrats persevere to continue to work hard despite the obstruction of selfish and disloyal politicians.
     So this coming November we will have another election that will be difficult to vote in but we must not give in to the difficulty. Whatever we have to do now before the election to make sure our vote is marked and counted must be figured out. There will be no vote that is not crucial to saving our democracy so each and every one of us must take the steps necessary to participate. The young have the most to lose if we democrats don't increase our numbers in the house and especially the senate. As to the senate we need at least 2 more senators but 3 or more would be better. That way we can finally get rid of the legislative filibuster and then get the work of our nation done without the obstructive republicans.
     So every day going forward we must make sure that all democrats, like minded independents and like minded republicans cast their ballots in the next election. We have to make sure that the restrictive voting laws that republicans have passed in many states do not deter our efforts to cast our marked ballots. We also must as democrats, like minded independents and like minded republicans vote for every democrat on the ballot in both the federal offices and the state offices. We have to purge ourselves of the republican party which is only interested in making life difficult and impossible for the working middle poor class. We have the future of our democracy at stake and nothing should stop us from protecting and enhancing it!

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