Sunday, February 27, 2022

(#4774) putin is being given every chance to stop his murder of Ukrainians

      The patience of the civilized world to refrain from moving hard against putin, not the Russian people, is admirable. Yet it is deadly for Ukrainians. There is no simple answer here that a single solution will stop putin. Sanctions are hard against putin and the Russian people but they are not enough to make putin reconsider his ego driven murder spree. President Biden has been clear that American troops will not fight in Ukraine but certainly putin could change that if he does worse than his known intent. What is happening through unconfirmed but logical reports is that non Ukrainians are coming into Ukraine and joining in the fight against the putin madness.
     As well there are weapons being shipped to Ukrainian fighters for their defense against the Russian advance from other European countries. Condemnation from every quarter including allies of Russia is the rule and not the exception. It also seems that the Russian army is not well supplied as surely putin thought he could easily move into Ukraine and take over the country. That is not the case and the Russian army is finding resistance where they had not expected it. Which has exacerbated their supply issues and slowed them down to a crawl. Each day we are learning of some new destruction of the Russian military by the resistance fighters and or sacrifices by Ukrainians that go above and beyond the normal within Ukraine. Which gives real hope to Ukrainians while demoralizing the Russian people and the Russian troops.
     The death march of putin will not bring about what he hopes is a smooth transition to a puppet government in Ukraine. Instead it will be a hostile takeover of a people who are not going to quit in their fight to keep their freedom. That putin has been overwhelmed by the opposition to his unnecessary murder of an innocent population and his induced hardships on his own people will hopefully be enough of a catalyst to force putin to invent some victory and then turn tail and run home. The alternative is that he does conquer the nation of Ukraine and leave a quagmire, then returns home to a country that is in a large vacuum of isolation. He has done irreparable harm to his countrymen/women and how they respond to his actions is now dicey for him and his nervous enablers.

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