Wednesday, February 23, 2022

(#4770) The republican party siding with the dictator putin

      We didn't need anymore evidence of the failure of the republican party to defend democracy but we do have more. With a major split in the republican party, more so toward the dictator putin who is about to invade a sovereign nation because his ego leads him to murder for the sake of it. There is no provocation from Ukraine to instigate an attack from putin. Just the fact that Ukraine exists and is not part of Russia is enough for putin and his backers to usurp the will of the Ukrainian people. Much like we have here in america where about 23% of die hard republicans won't stop until they control the US.
     So why are republicans so hell bent to control the US when they are a vast minority of the population here? Because they believe in white power and with that a sense of entitlement. How do they get there in thinking that? Easy, they know the US history of oppressing minorities and they don't want that history told or enshrined into our educational system. They wrongly fear that reprisals will come their way for the faults of their foreparents. As well they like their privilege and advantages above persons of color and poverty, so they don't want that paradigm to change. For them equality and fairness are just slogans to use when trying to get power. They all go away once they get the power and then it is condescension toward anyone not them.
     If you listen to trump and his gushing over putin and his strongarm tactics you would think that trump is an ally of putin not the former appointed president of the US. As the flawed trump goes so do his flawed followers. The republican party is now a cesspool of psycho/sociopaths who have no empathy for democracy nor for those of us who do. The only rational option for all voting non hard core republican voters is to never vote for a republican again. A purge is needed in the republican party and until the purge is accomplished the cancer of republicanism will endure to cause the body politic here in the US more anguish, despair, and death.

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