Thursday, February 10, 2022

(#4757) The only thing the bigoted republicans want to do is destroy democracy

      By killing any hope of voting rights protections the republican party has shown that they don't want all eligible American citizens to vote. That is what is called destroying democracy. Democracy is all citizens who are eligible having the right to vote. When the republicans put up so many laws and obstacles to voting, especially for the folks of color, then the logical conclusion is that the republican party is against what makes a democracy a democracy. What do you call it when there is a class warfare against the poor being able to vote with also a racial component that targets minorities? I suppose that closest word I can think of to describe that type of republican person is bigot!
     So the bigoted republican party wants your vote this coming November. Do you think they deserve your vote? Especially if you are poor or a person of color? Is there a higher priority agenda on your part that would allow you to vote for a republican than their bigotry? If you are a white person maybe you think that the people of color are bad and you can't see yourself helping them to have the same opportunities as you? Maybe you are a white person who has some economic success and are not able to get past letting poorer people have the same right to vote as you have? Is that it? Someone needs to explain to me where the republican base voter draws their lines when it comes to protecting democracy?
     Let me give you the dictionary version of what a bigot is and let's see if you think I have given the best adjective to describe the republican party. Bigot: "a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."-Google dictionary. I would say that since the republican party has gone out of it's way to make voting harder for folks of color and poor folks without any logical reason the term bigot is appropriate and correct. The republican party isn't making voting harder for the wealthy just the poor and disadvantaged along with persons of color. Shame on them and shame on you if you vote for them and help them destroy our democracy!

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