Sunday, February 13, 2022

(#4760) Potpourri, or a jumble of things

      First let me say that this morning I am not having any thoughts about anything other than cursory thoughts. Like checking to see if putin is still a bully like pussy. Or if manchin and sinema have done anything worthy of our democratic majority. Or even if the national polling for congressional races show that the insurrectionist republican party is paying for its treachery, which they are not yet. I know it is Sunday and that being super bowl Sunday I could care less who is going to win. I expect it will be the Rams but the Bengals have been defying conventional wisdom.
     In my own life I got my hair cut real short yesterday but left my beard to keep growing... I also picked up ingredients at the store to make home made tacos and look forward to bending some white corn shells in the frying pan. All things considered life is going along okay and for that I am well satisfied. I won't be watching the football game and instead will find myself some good mystery who done it on netflix or prime. I might even get some work done today although I am pretty much caught up on my daily and weekly chores. The way this post is going I get the feeling that I haven't written like this in a long time. Reminds me of when I was on the road and would need to pull over to write a post.
     It is a quiet day this morning so far so hopefully it will be one of those days where nothing important or disastrous happens so that we can all catch a breath and find a little bit of time to recharge our batteries for the coming conglomeration of the bad republicans throw at us and the good we need to trumpet from democrats. All of us need a respite who are in the battle for maintaining a good and equality based democracy. Today may be that day and here is to it being so. I will finish with this, everything we do to make our world and the people, places, things, and all of life in it better, the better our lives will have been lived.

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