Saturday, February 5, 2022

(#4752) We must stop putin now or he will keep taking like with hitler

      There are folks out there who think that Ukraine is none of our business and we should not be standing up to putin for his aggression against Ukraine. That we should say to putin that we will not offer a NATO membership to Ukraine so that Russia can then do as they will with the Ukrainians. There are other none Russian countries that have Russian troops at their border and if we back down on Ukraine they will likely become targets for putin's expansive goal. If you don't stop a bully from bullying he will keep bullying. Such is the nature of putin. So I say stop him now and end his attempt to reconquer.
     We know that about 75 to 80 million people died during world war 2. When a bully isn't stopped they feel like they can keep taking so stopping the bully is our first priority and if it is over Ukrainian sovereignty then then so be it. I am all for a diplomatic solution to ending the threats to Ukraine yet the Ukrainian people have a say in their own decisions. We of the west respect that and expect that putin respect that as well. We will see how this plays out but by no means can we blink during this finding out period. We must stay resolute and force putin to remove the threat he created or otherwise he will feel the resolve we have to stop him.
     A bully will say anything to get what he wants so we must be prepared to counter the bully with our own responses that push back on the bully and his narrative. I see this as a choice between paying a price to stop the bully now or paying a much larger price later for letting the bully continue to bully. Either scenario will require death and destruction but one is much worse than the other. So hopefully diplomacy will prevail and the bully putin is shown that our resolve is greater than his bravado. I hope that diplomacy works but in this existence there is only the reality of survival and what is worth fighting to keep our civilized world intact.

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