Friday, February 11, 2022

(#4758) Logic and common sense

      The beginning of any conversation that is not something from a comedy sketch has got to be based in logic or common sense. Both are similar in many ways but in others they may be polar opposites. Examples: Logic dictates that a set of facts and truths are correct while common sense puts those facts and truths into action. Where common sense overrules logic is a much trickier proposition. Such as when it is better to withhold or deny a logical conclusion in order to maintain a sense of unnecessary harm. Like if a person was killed in a gruesome way and then not telling a loved one the explicit details. I don't find many examples of where common sense overrules logic but there are times when our emotions need a buffer from an exact stark logic.
     The point here is that logic is based upon facts and truths, otherwise illogic would be involved. For those who use illogical premise sequencing, a lacking of facts and truths makes it so. Trying to put common sense applications to illogical conclusions is all around us here in the United States of America. We have the anti vaccination crowd, the anti mask crowd, the boatload of conspiracies everywhere crowd, the election in 2020 was stolen crowd, the list is endless here. But what they all have in common, excuse the pun, is that they derive their false conclusions from a misrepresentation of premises'. Logic is like a math problem. When you do the equation the facts of the equation must jibe. If one part of the equation is not correct the whole equation becomes false.
     Common sense without logic is rarely advised and can only be explained out of a need to preserve someone from a unnecessarily harsh experience out of love and care, not some ulterior motive of bad intent. Otherwise common sense is the rational next step after reaching a logical conclusion. The logical understanding of anything must then be followed by the application of common sense. That order is practically universal and should be the template for all our lives every single day. What we have here in our America is a confusion as to how logic dictates our actions based upon the nonacceptance of logic and/or the wrongly applied common sense response to the logic at hand.

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