Monday, February 14, 2022

(#4761) Corporate media doesn't report the news, they try to influence it!

      The word objectivity (lack of favoritism toward one side or another), is no longer an accepted way of reporting news. Instead the word subjectivity, (the state of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, biases, or opinions). has replaced it. Reporting news should be about the facts of the news, not the personal narrative the corporate media is pushing. It is okay to write an opinion piece on a subject from a perspective of personal choice, but that must be labeled "opinion piece". What we get now from the media is a dishonest appraisal of their view on any particular subject. That has to stop and whatever legislation that is needed to make it stop must be written and voted into law.
     It is not easy for me to say this about all corporate media as some media outlets are trying to dispute fake news but in doing so they also become labeled as subjective because they don't spend enough time identifying themselves as correctors of fake news. The problem is that the fake news reporters get to report fake news without consequences that should make them stop on their own. Prison and fines would work but we don't have those laws which could explicitly apply to them. There are ways to go to court for libel and such but those rules for filing lawsuits are a high hurdle when it comes to many fake news reporting.
     The only way the many of us can become aware of who is telling the truth is for us to engage in political debates taking place daily. When we as a individuals can see the purpose that our social contract to have a society is based upon, like shared interests and goals, is when we can start knowing the good of what is reported in the news while also filtering out the corrupt and dishonest that is being reported in the news. Our social contract is an implied consent we all give to live under rules and regulations that keep us from harming or advantaging ourselves over others. A fair social contract protects all of us and when we see those who would only protect some of us, like through restrictive voting laws, we know that they are the ones who are keeping the fake news, democracy destroying, corporate media alive.

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