Tuesday, February 15, 2022

(#4762) We democrats have won on the policies

      The policies are on the side of democrats as our solutions are intelligent and efficient. The republican party has not only been wrong on the policies but they have made most all common sense policies more difficult to implement. The republican party is even making voting more difficult for many. The idea that the republican party is an alternative to the democrats is laughable. They are not the same side of the coin, they are not even the other side of the coin. They are completely different than anything of an American patriotic value. In fact, they would take our American coin and turn it into a Russian ruble.
     With the last remnants of the republican party swirling the drain in Congress and the last holdouts in the democratic party having exposed themselves as obstructionists to our policies, we know what we must do. In the coming midterm elections, despite all the republican led states that are denying voting rights, we must endure and make sure that we get our vote out no matter the cost of the effort. All democratic allied shoulders to the wheel and let us move forward with democratic policies that highlight progress and modernity in an ever changing American social society.
     Now that we democrats are the party of solutions that make logical sense, we must get our word out to those who are not getting the correct analysis of our efforts. The lying, cheating, stealing, republican party is making sure that their propaganda is being narrated not the actual truth and facts of things. So we must keep letting our voices be heard in every corner of our lives. This is no time to shrink from truth telling. We must not let the lying cowardly bullies go unopposed. With the might of our convictions buttressed by facts, facts, and more facts, we must keep voicing our minds. We democrats are on the correct side of logic and truth so we must prove it with our individual and collective power!

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