Monday, January 31, 2022

(#4747) 13 years ago today

      President Obama had been president for 11 days having just been inaugurated on January 20, 2009. That is when on January 31, 2009 I wrote my first bog post. I wasn't sure what I was going to do then but I knew I had to get things out of my head and down into print. I had no idea I would turn this new found outlet for my thoughts into a daily blog post but here we are. Now to be perfectly clear I did miss 4 days over the span of these 13 years but on the very next day of each missed day I posted 2 posts to make up for the missing one the day before. I guess I am OCD like that. lol.
     Yet as imperfect as I have been this daily blogging has been a perfect fit for me. Not only do I get to share what I think about this and that but I get to make points about who we are as a species and what we can do to become more like who we meant to be. I make it clear that we are of 2 major natures, compassion and curiosity, while attached to survival. All things flow from these 2 natures or lack thereof. So when People ask me why are other people less curious and caring, I say that they choose to be not who they are. Now it isn't a perfect answer but it is within the majority of us. There are some who are deficient in nature to be outside the choice model.
     I am no expert but I am conscience of my own experiences and a participant in society. I see what others are going through and can easily see myself in them. Still, I do not claim to know it all or be the most correct. Yet, I do challenge anyone to shake me from my point of view. This forum allows me to continue my quest to improve not only my own understandings but to show others that there is a way to understand existence without fear or myth. We are a curious species who care for each other in different ways. When we are doing that as a priority then all our troubles become few and further apart. My hope is for our species to be who we are naturally capable of, and not who we are manipulated to be.

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