Tuesday, January 4, 2022

(#4720) The urgency of now

      Getting a voting rights protection bill done in time for the new district line drawings and the upcoming primary elections is crucial. Otherwise the solution to the red states making voting difficult to impossible for American citizens will become our reality. It isn't that difficult to understand that the red states that are governed by republican legislatures are passing these restrictive laws through simple majority votes while Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are demanding more than simple majority vote to stop them. While these two democrats are democrats, they sure are acting like republicans.
     Thus the urgency of now. Both Manchin and Sinema must finally come over to join the rest of the democratic caucus in the senate to support legislation protecting voting rights. A senate rule should never outweigh the defense of our democracy and Manchin and Sinema should be aware of this by now. So this week and into next week work will continue to get legislation to the senate floor that will neuter the red state attack on our most fundamental right under a democracy, the right to vote. I hope that all those who support voting rights protections will do nothing else these coming weeks but fight for the upcoming legislation.
     The republican party as it is currently made up is not going to lift a finger to help those who would be denied the vote because the republican party thinks that those who would be denied the vote would likely vote against them if their voting rights are allowed. Think about that for a moment. We have a major political party working overtime to deny citizens the right to vote because they know those citizens will likely vote against them. The most egregious cowardly act by a miserable traitorous republican party, yet they persist to destroy democracy and the rights of American citizens. No doubt they should never again receive a vote on any level yet they have their base who will support them through democracy killing acts and seditious actions against our government.

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