Monday, January 24, 2022

(#4740) Still smarting from the backstabbing from manchin and sinema

      I have really tried hard to divert myself from the pain that manchin and sinema, and the republican party, inflicted on me personally and overall on our democratic form of government. I tend to take these subversive actions personally and feel the emotional crushing when it occurs. No doubt I am no different than the majority of us who were cast aside in the name of stupidity and callousness by republicans and these two unworthy figures within our democratic party. As time moves forward the actual physical feeling of betrayal and the gut punch feeling that went with it has subsided because I have to move on like all the rest of us.
     I have no clue as to how the rest of the politics in the senate will play out except to think that a cooling off period will prevail. With sinema being censored by Arizona democrats the mood in the senate may well take some time to cool off. But I know how Schumer is and he won't care either way. He will continue to push forward with voting rights legislation and build back better components for agreement. I expect that manchin and sinema will be less vocal about their agenda since they are feeling the wrath of we the people since their ill advised and traitorous vote last Wednesday evening.
     If I was a balloon last Wednesday morning full of air by the end of the night I was as deflated as a balloon could be. I still feel that way but with less intensity. Because although the pain smarted I have to move forward like Dr. King was wise enough to understand and counsel. We lost a really key battle in the war to save our democracy but the fight continues. It is as shameful as it could be for republicans to work so hard to deny voting rights protections through deceit and obfuscation but they see a vision where, despite their traitorous acts, they will still win elections. Which should remind us all that many of the electorate out there are not patriots for democracy like we think and they think they are.

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