Monday, January 17, 2022

(#4733) Today will be a hard day

      Today is Dr. Kings birthday and much of what happens today will be about his life and the struggle for voting rights he so gallantly fought for. Yet we have the manchinema in our democratic party that has so far stood firm against the fight that Dr. King gave his life for. These two hollow people, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, two democrats who could change the arc of justice toward a better outcome have decided that they won't and instead will change the arc of justice toward the worst of what humans can be in a democracy. They will not fight for voting rights for all and instead will deny voting rights for many.
     Two people who are not worthy of anything of any good report. They need to be disgraced with every breath any of us take. Two people who have sold their souls to anti democratic forces. For what? I can't see what the great payoff is for being a traitor to democracy? What is their equivalent 30 pieces of silver? They can claim no moral nor political high ground by choosing to deny American citizens the right to vote! They cannot say that they are justified in their decision to disenfranchise what could amount to millions of voters losing their right to vote. Not republican voters per se but mostly black and brown democratic voters. Can you say racism is not involved by these two white senators?
     So as the recognition of Dr. Kings legacy is intoned by many, yes even republicans will try to embellish themselves through Dr. King, the underlying fact that manchin and sinema are letting the spirit of Dr. king down permeates the day. I have lived to see the day when two democratic senators chose the anti democratic vision of the republicans over the enlightened fighter of democratic ideals. The shame of manchin and sinema should never be forgiven and they should be cast aside when all the dust settles on the republican takeover of our democracy and a new white nationalist political paradigm becomes the new normal because of them.

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