Saturday, January 15, 2022

(#4731) The fucking national media!

      I see the headlines and they suck! Not because of how awful decisions are made by republicans and a few democrats, but because Biden has had a bad couple of days. So it's Biden's fault that the scourge of our nation the republican party and a few democrats are traitors to democracy? How is that? It isn't, and once again it proves how the wealthy owned national media is blaming Biden for the actions of the cowardly republicans and greedy wealthy media assholes! But if you control the narrative like the national media then you can spin this anyway you want. We know the wealthy do not want democratic principles to guide our democracy. Instead they want an autocratic society wherein they are the only ones, along with their republican bootlickers, to control our society.
     You even see it on the not supreme court decision to nullify Biden's attempt to keep workers safe. The republican controlled not supreme court has sided with the virus over common sense. The republican party is a disease and must at some very soon time be cut out of our lives if we the body politic are to survive with our democracy. The media spins this as a loss for Biden and a loss for other democrat politicians but in truth it is a loss for our citizenry. We are losing fundamental rights to have our government protect us from a raging virus over some absurd notion that individualism trumps collective protection. So in the dumb republican majority courts mind it is liberty to catch the virus and pass it on to others who are not allowed the same liberty from the virus.
     Does the media report this with the outrage that the rest of us out in the public feel? Hell to the no they don't and instead they focus on how Biden has lost. It isn't Biden's fault that asshole republican politicians and court members hate the working middle poor class. It is they who are at fault for these loses of voting rights and protections against a deadly virus. Our nation is a shameful one at the moment and it has nothing to do with democrats or Biden. This is all on the republican party and the wealthy media who would rather lie, cheat, and steal to keep power than be part of the great experiment called democracy!

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