Wednesday, January 5, 2022

(#4721) The battle for the soul of the United States of America

      Who are we as a nation and will we become something far worse? I have been confounded over the decades how citizens can keep voting for the republican party even though they represent a harsh and cruel vision. They disdain others that are not white. They disdain women of all colors. They only pretend to love the fetus while hating the newborn. For the life of me I cannot figure out who we are as a people when the republican party continues to be a force in our daily lives and national politics. For me it is as simple as a fight between good and bad with the good being we democrats and like minded independents against the bad being republicans and independents that support them.
     If you think I am being overly dramatic just check my premises. The democratic party is about bringing equity and equality to our democracy while the republican party is all about destroying democratic norms and installing an autocratic form of government that gives advantage and privilege to the deserving within the white race over all others. Are we so devoid of modernity that we are allowing ourselves to become enslaved to class systems that grade human beings through prejudicial and illogical paradigms? Are we so devoid of humanity that being a human being is now antithetical to our real selves? I am dumbfounded as to how to think of our species anymore.
     This has been echoed for decades, we must destroy the republican political party and all of its benefits of doubt. There is no good in the republican party, period, there is only a hidden for the most part hatred of democracy because our democracy allows for all to participate. The republican party does not want that. They want a white nationalist party that crows of its successes, which are minimal, while denying and white washing their failures, which are plentiful. That a huge majority of us is not demanding the end of the republican party is a catastrophic dilemma that may well turn out to be the end of the good of our society because our society is too inept to know to protect its own soul.

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