Saturday, January 22, 2022

(#4738) How hard do we go after sinema now

     With a 50-50 senate and we democrats with the majority leadership, how hard do we go after Mata Hari sinema? We need her to stay in the democratic party for the duration of this Congress so that we don't hand the leadership of the senate back over to moscow mitch. Which could easily happen if we alienate sinema before then. I know how everyone feels because I feel the same. The anger inside me is palpable, yet the wisdom inside me is overruling my passion. But only for the time it takes for the next election to install a few more democratic senators, Around January 3, 2023. So I will have to bite off some of my tongue in order not to go full nuclear on her until then.
     Her term won't be up until the 2024 election results come in and she is either defeated in the democratic primary or in the general election. So there is time to hold my fire on her for the sake of the democratic agenda for the rest of this congressional term and then unleash upon her my pent up anger for her head shaking stance on denying voting rights when a solution was available to get around the republican party that caused the voting rights denials. Her contempt for the minimum wage is still stuck in my craw but the voting rights issue is beyond that and a real and possible threat to the continuance of our democracy.
     So I will lay low on my criticisms of her, not that I won't criticize her but I won't go full bore on her like I want to. I want to preserve with her and manchin remaining democrats through the end of 2022, so as to keep what little progress we can make with them possible. Never have I had such thoughts about a member of the democratic party that was on par with them being just like republicans. The worst of us democrats in the past had always been able to come around to argument and common sense sense. Not these two though and especially sinema who thinks somehow she is a wise old veteran of the senate even though she was just elected in 2018 to her first term. I can to a greater extent understand manchin but not one bit do I absolve him. But with sinema the dynamics are different and her penchant for being petty is to be considered.

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