Wednesday, January 26, 2022

(#4742) We need to tame our wealthy or they will tame us!

      It isn't just the wealthy either, it is the front men who do their bidding. Much like trump was in the US and putin is in Russia. We need to put a wrap around them to stop them from killing people at their whim. We saw trump just let hundreds of thousands die from the pandemic because he didn't care to address it's seriousness. What we are seeing from putin on the Ukraine border is the same. He will attack and conquer Ukraine if he sees an advantage, politically and economically for himself. The same with trump as trump tried to corner the market on "cures" for Covid and an insurrection of our government. These types of bullies who are wimps, do the bidding of the wealthy.
     The wealthy like having unlimited resources flow their way. They are not democracy loving souls and instead would be much happier as oligarchs who can sway power with an electronic deposit. they don't want for all to have the American dream, instead they want all to be beholden to them. Now of course I am not throwing all the wealthy into this category but too many of them are and with their wealth and influence they keep political party's like the republican party busy doing their dirty work. If we cannot find a way to limit and reduce their influence and wealth we are asking to let ourselves be yoked to their vision of life, not a democratic one.
     Wealth is a measure of one's ability, good fortune and merit. Yet for wealth to also be a gauge for them to control our society is too much. We must put a cap on the amount of wealth any one person or entity can accrue. There are finite resources so we cannot have a few dominating the majority of those resources. We decide as a society how our future is to mature, not a few wealthy who only have their own interests at stake would define it. Not in the history of our United States of America have we had anything less than a democracy be our guiding governmental principles. For us to let that go now when the time to stop it is right now would be an epic failure on our part and a betrayal to all that our fore-parents fought to defend and preserve.

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