Tuesday, January 18, 2022

(#4734) The media just goes along like nothing is going to change with our democracy

      Watching the cable news this morning I don't see any warnings of impending doom from the republican attack on our democracy. Nor do I see any admonishing of Manchin and Sinema for their upcoming no votes on a filibuster carve out. Like everything is just honky dory. So as our democracy begins a great fall like humpty dumpty the media is just moving along with their mundane stories as if nothing is happening. I suppose I should have known they would downplay and ignore the reality of the death grip republicans are applying right now on the neck of our democracy because the media had stopped being about social justice and upholding democratic norms long ago.
     The big issue with the media is to make money and appease their owners, who are greedy conservatives, trump backing, working middle poor class haters. I will tune in over on Cspan2 this morning to watch republicans vote unanimously to defeat voting rights legislation and then watch two democrats, Manchin and Sinema tell the other 48 democratic voting senators to fuck off on passing a carve out to protect voting rights. This seems like I will be forcing myself to be depressed but that ship has already sailed. What I will be doing though is building up my anger to a point where both Manchin and Sinema will never again get the benefit of the doubt about anything they do for the rest of their miserable democracy killing lives.
     I will mark this day in history as the day our democracy died and although it has been being killed little by little for generations by republicans this is the day it truly is incapable of drawing another breath. We are doomed we democrats who have fought so hard for equality and equity. We will go out with a valiant effort in November with tremendous turnout but now that repuboic8ans in the states will be able to change votes, deny votes, and even overturn state elections we who have loved our democracy are now going to see its demise. I am older and not long for this world that is going to bullies and cruel masters but I feel so bad for the coming generations who will feel the brunt of our failure to protect democracy and all the good it affords to all citizens, not just to the wealthy and the corporate media whores.

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