Sunday, January 23, 2022

(#4739) Know who you are in your core and then don't stray from that!

      I look around me and see so many people who have made noble courageous stands in their lives and then stopped being that person. It is incredible but understandable to me that they do. They knew who they were in that moment and then let it slip away like it was not worthy of keeping. I suggest it is a fear that overwhelms them so that they wither from their otherwise greatest event. We are not people who are one and done types. We get lost real quick from who we are when we shrink from who we are. There is no middle or different ground for us. We have to remain true to our virtues that inspire and defend the better and best of humanity.
     I know I have gone through that and the realization of it is crushing. I stood tall for what was right then backed off so to get away from the energy and power it required to stay there. I was scared and thought that my one example was good enough for the rest of my life. Well that is not true nor did my cowardice make it so. What I have figured out is that once a stand is taken there is no going back. I am who I am and no amount of pretzel logic will change that. It is refreshing by the way to know that being a warrior for the better and best of what humanity can be is the exact challenge I needed to fill alive and worthy. The fear that is always lingering in the background is now motivation for me to keep putting up the good and great fight.
     All of us need to get this part of our lives correct as quickly as it becomes an awareness. Don't change who you are because of all the insecurities we all carry around. Dismiss the insecurities and live in the courage of your convictions instead. Take no prisoners when it comes to defining your own life. If you are a rebel with a cause never stop being a rebel with a cause. If the cause is rectified then find another cause because correcting the wrong in life is your calling, regardless of the cause, and that is what will bring you to your best personage. It may be hard to be a fighter but if fighting is what is called for then the hard is just an obstacle to be overcome on your path to a just conclusion.

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