Friday, January 14, 2022

(#4730) brutus joe manchin and mata hari kyrsten sinema

      As quickly as it positively began yesterday morning in the House to pass the John Lewis Freedom to vote act it abruptly ended just as fast as brutus and mata put their seal of disapproval on it coming to the Senate. The deflation by these two democratic senators was palpable. We all felt it as nothing less than a stab in the back and a betrayal of our democratic principles. Never before in my lifetime has such a non divisive issue been so thoroughly snubbed by the traitorous republican party and two members of our own democratic party. It is akin to being attacked by a foreign entity and these 52 senators deciding to do nothing about it.
     I am unsure as to how to proceed but I do know this that if these two senators and or any two republican senators do not change their professed votes then what the 2022 election will bring is chaos and disenfranchisement. The voter suppression laws already passed in the states are just the beginning of the landslide of voter suppression laws that are to come before the election in November occurs. With state legislatures just now starting to convene the voter suppression opportunities will be endless without the passing of the federal voting rights protections bill. For me this will all land on the head of brutus manchin and mata hari sinema. I have no hope that any republican senator would put democracy ahead of their own ambitions.
     So the vote that Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer had hoped would sway brutus and mata is still coming but I do not see how they will change their stated positions. For going forward this is what I can perceive. brutus and mata will forever be labeled as the destroyers of democracy in the annals of American history. But what we democrats must do is not give up and fight like there is no future because there will not be a future for democracy if we don't somehow outvote the republicans by such overwhelming numbers that the theft of our upcoming elections by republicans will be most impossible to achieve. Whatever we each have to do to get our vote to the ballot box is our number one priority and nothing else can dissuade us from doing just that!

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