Wednesday, January 12, 2022

(#4728) Our democracy deserves defenders, not destroyers!

      The democratic party has been trying to defend our democracy through legislation that would protect voting rights. The republican party has been trying to destroy our democracy by undermining voting rights in republican controlled states. There, you have the real world on today's politics. There is no dispute here just smoke and mirrors from the republicans who don't want you to know this simple reality. How can this be you say? How is it that the republican political party in our democracy is trying to destroy democracy? I can answer that through this simple explanation as well. The republican party cannot win voters over with their policies so they are trying to deny democratic voters the right to vote.
     I know it sounds absurd right? Why won't the republican party just forward policies that are attractive to voters and then win elections based on those democratic values? Because the current iteration of the republican party is not a true political party for the people. Instead they are a political party that is beholden and controlled by the wealthy and greedy. The current republican party has shed it's mask of pretending to support positive values and now instead are working to create negative confusion and chaos. So those who still support the republican party out of some blind allegiance or through an incompetent understanding of their worth need to reawaken to their own reality.
     If the many of us who grew up admiring our founding fathers are still motivated by their patriotism then we need to not only protect our democracy as defenders but we must defeat the destroyers who would take from us our democracy. There is no in between position on this. We either save our democracy or we lose it. It is another very simple fact. I cannot be more plain in describing the situation we are in. If you take our democracy for granted then be prepared to lose it. If you don't take our democracy for granted then be prepared to fight to keep it. In fighting we can do the easiest defense possible for now and that is to vote for all democrats on the ballot. Otherwise the reality we will have after the election later this year will be a dismantling of our democracy one.

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