Thursday, January 27, 2022

(#4743) We are Biden's base and we aren't going anywhere!

      The republican party is a scourge to the land. Yet their narrative seems to stick because we democrats don't make the truth stick to them. Sure, some of us do but the many of us don't. We are either too busy with our miserable lives or we are too afraid of offending someone who has us captured in circumstance. So what to do about the narrative that democrats are no good at governing when the republican party is destroying everything in front of us and every thing we are trying to do to solve their induced problems behind us? We fight back and for one thing don't use their terminology. They say Biden's poll numbers are going down. I say republicans are undermining our efforts to keep people alive.
     They say that the economy is messed up with high inflation and lack of workers. I say that the republican party is keeping the virus alive so that it can harm working people and working people don't want to get infected and die. Inflation is a direct result of the virus slowing and stopping manufacturing and production to the point where costs rise because of lessening inventories. This is a direct result of not getting enough folks vaccinated. Which republicans are behind that nefarious effort. They say Biden's poll numbers are down. I say duh! Because the republican party is thwarting efforts to help improve them when they block legislation specifically aimed at the working middle poor class.
     But how can this be Carl, when if you say republicans are blocking and destroying our society that they are not being blamed? Well that is an easy one to answer because if the media doesn't accurately describe the truth of things the facts get lost in their narrative. For instance, Biden's poll numbers are going down as a headline without describing the nature of the drop. Increased fears of infections from the virus, lack of better paying jobs, no relief money for critical shortages in everyday Americans lives. These are all obstructions by republicans. So instead of saying Biden's poll numbers are going down how about say the real reason why our society is in turmoil is because of republican undermining of solutions offered by President Biden. Start defining the cause and not some random result because of it.

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