Tuesday, January 3, 2023

(#5084) No deserves and no guarantees, just do the right thing and do no harm!

      This existence of ours is just what it is. Nothing more and nothing less. We don't get any privilege being in it other than the life we have. Without life we would not be here with the ability to learn and understand this natural environment. So just being alive is all of our starting point and nothing else. One of the great abilities we humans have is to be able to imagine. When we look around ourselves we are marveled at our planet and the skies above us. Where we see the foundation of life here with water, food, shelter, and possibilities we begin to order our lives in ways that enhance our survival. This planet is readily made for housing us and keeping us from much harm.
     Where we begin to move ourselves away from the basics of our existence is when we try to think we are less than our possibilities. We have become a species that now has given itself to an apparition in the form of a god. I say apparition because it is the closest thing to a ghost while also being omnipresent. A figure that has over time become the one and all of who we are. Yet many of us do not succumb to that way of thinking or as has become lack of thinking because we know that reality is not based upon a supernatural being. We are born of ourselves with a limited time and space expiration. We are not children or a creation of an immortal divinity that has no observable presence, yet too many do.
     Yet my fact based opinion is likely the minority of we human beings. Such is the allure of a master who controls our lives. I don't get it myself. I understand the desire for a god in the lives of many but not the need of it. Our human being species will never expand beyond our myths, mores, superstitions, and conspiracy theories if we are not able to shake off the fear that allows for them to exist in the first place. I am fine with coping methods for personal struggles but not as heavenly golden rules and the only way to get to a safe harbor. We are alone on this planet as a byproduct of environment, physics, and biological combining. We exist and know we exist, that is our one claim to an advancement that is not dependent upon mystery to force a definition.

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