Saturday, January 14, 2023

(#5095) The republican manifesto of greed and cruelty

      So going after Social Security and Medicare in order to weaken both is now the big priority of the republican party. Instead of caring for the elderly who have paid into the insurance programs the republicans are looking to hurt them, being us. We who are already receiving our benefits are as soon to be a target of republicans as those who are nearing retirement. The youth of our nation are being left out completely by republicans so that when in 30, 40 years when they are eligible to retire the republicans would have them without Social Security and Medicare.
     I honestly cannot say which is more debasing about republicans, their disdain for the elderly or their disregard for the future of our youth. The republican party has become a party of cruel and short sighted individuals who live by the motto of "I got mine so fuck you!" Even though Social Security and Medicare are taxes we pay to support both programs. It is beyond me to understand why people vote for republicans because they commit so many disgusting and disgraceful acts. They are the bottom of the barrel of humanity and represent the worst of what selfishness does to a person.
     They would let many die instead of being caring. They would let many starve instead of feeling. They would deprive life itself if they saw a way to make a buck from it. Who would ever want to be known as a republican? The shame and dishonor associated with them is little felt by them because it would take a moral person to know. They are what can only be described as the dregs of humanity. I am only being fair here because their acts and intentions are not hidden. In fact they flaunt them as worthy of some repute. If ignorance and hate are to be our national identity then the time to either confront them or let them win is upon us. What will we do as a nation? Give into our worst natures and fall from the weight of our own diseased acts or do we fight like all get out to preserve what America has been known to be, a nation of immigrants, who although with some difficulty, always found a way to survive and grow together.

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