Friday, January 13, 2023

(#5094) Fortune favors the bold

      A Latin proverb that is more true than not. In my own life when I have done something bold and followed it up with my best effort the result was bettered for it. It is like when we seek to do great things and then put our backs to it the opportunities begin to emerge. Others see our effort and for the right reasons want to be part of it. Inspiration is gathered when we try the nearly impossible and show progress. Much like last years breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology. Once the dam breaks on a time changing concept the rest is an avalanche of pursuit. I find also, although not as prominent, are the casting aside of ancient traditions and mores.
     We are not our ancestors who fought for warmth, food and shelter. We have moved beyond those desperate times and are now less dependent upon miracles and pleadings for basic functioning. We have evolved into science and logic to survive and even dream of greater ambitions like space travel and time altering events. Not only do we not need to worry so much on just surviving but now we dream of living longer lives than ever thought possible. All because we are bold and want more than what we currently have as parameters. Our imaginations fuel our drive to create an existence that has more than existing to just live and die.
     Along the way we the many of us have found the courage to be bold. To stick our necks out for something that is greater than ourselves. I always say this, we humans are an amazing species. We have yet to prove that on a more regular basis but we have done so enough to show that it is within all of us to do so. None of us, human beings specifically, are incapable of being bold. It is our heritage. It is our manifest destiny. It is the one thing in life that raises our own estimation of ourselves. Fortune favors the bold is a proverbial statement that when seen after the fact becomes clear as to its authenticity.

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