Monday, January 30, 2023

(#5111) The 14th year of blogging for me is complete with this post.

      President Obama had been sworn into office for his first term 11 days earlier. I started my first blog post on January 31, 2009. It doesn't seem that long ago but time has a way of flying by when things are relatively good. There was a block of time for 4 years when each day was excruciating and that was during the appointed presidency of trump. But like all things bad it finally ended and that was a real lesson for all we Americans excluding the obviously deluded ones. But despite the trump interlude of madness the time spent here on this daily blog has been well worth my time. I don't force myself to do this it is more a compulsion that I enjoy.
     Tomorrow I will start my 15th year of blogging and I look forward to that. What is inescapable for me is my chance to put out there in the ether my take on humanity and what makes us tick. Again, I say we are two main things, compassionate and curious. We care and we wonder about all that is around us. Not all of us exemplify these two characteristics of the human experience but when they are not in our majority of behaviors less desirable traits of humanity arise. Like selfishness, cruelty, and uncaring. These lesser traits of humanity are born from apathy and ego. Two disturbed psychosis that are not to be admired nor emulated.
     This blog began with the idea that if we know who we are then we can adjust how we live to our principles. When we care and wonder, our lives are filled with many good attributes that bring satisfaction to our personal lives even though many problems still persist. Because we know how to live and living as we should live with hope and determination for our world gives us purpose. We are not wasting time on trying to figure out who we are as we know who we are. A species that is limited in time and space within this reality but imbued with gifts of both a physical and mental nature. We are biological probes with reasoning, analyzing and concluding attributes that are stored in our long and short term memories. We are an amazing species and all of us deserve out path to happiness.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

15 years! Sometimes it seems like yesterday, other times it's like ancient history. Here's to continued enjoyment...both your writing and my reading it.