Saturday, January 7, 2023

(#5088) What calamity lies ahead in the House

      Now that this latest fiasco of republicanism has ended in the house what lies ahead? Surely not governing as we saw with the 15 votes to eventually elect a dismal character as republican majority leader. Instead of negotiating with democrats to do a compromised agenda over the next 2 years the republicans ramrodded a coalition with their extreme right wing flank that at best will not destroy them and at worst will. My money is on the worst case scenario. At this point we don't know yet what concessions the weakling mccarthy appropriated to his unruly right wing but we do know it had to be substantial.
     So over the next 2 years we will see the most garish led House since I don't know when. The lowlife mccarthy will have to have democratic votes to get anything passed in the next 2 years and for that to happen he will have to bypass his own right wing. If he can that is, because we don't know the extent of his compromises. Surely though the idea that anything meaningful for the American people being offered by republicans in the House over the next 2 years is moot. There will be nothing other than investigations and wasted House floor time. I also expect a massive amount of absurd floor speeches that aim at accusing democrats of everything under the sun that is wrong with America.
     The saving grace here is that most of the important necessary work to keep the government open and the debt ceiling work is done for a while. So our nation will be able to survive for the next little while. the House controls the money we spend for keeping government functioning so when we are at the place of needing the House to hold up it's obligations to our society is when we will see the real test of how bad this republican majority in the House plays out. In the meantime I hope that some current House seats will come open due to criminal probes so that special elections can then reverse the republican majority. Wishful thinking at this point but it really is all I have to cling to until 2024.

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