Monday, January 23, 2023

(#5104) The west needs to stop pussy footing around in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine!

      I know the west, especially several dependent countries on Russian energy supplies, need to stop trying to thread a miniscule needle eye and just do what needs to be done to help Ukraine reclaim it's territory from the invading Russian  army. There has been almost a year now of time to rework that dependence some of these countries have on Russian supplies yet they are still not unyoked! That yoke is preventing these countries from doing the right thing about supplying Ukraine because of the blackmailing Russia is doing to them. Well get out of the dependence! For the life of me some countries are just incapable of doing the right thing no matter how there rhetoric is being to the contrary.
     With all this fiddle farting fucking around the dependent countries are doing, too many Ukrainian people are being murdered by putin forces! Just stop not doing enough and get off the dependence because Russia is only in partnership with other countries in order to leverage them into their sphere of thinking and acts. Do not associate with a bully who is not interested in law and order nor rules for engagement established through the Geneva Convention. Russia is a terrorist state so any collaborating with them, no matter how indirect, is tantamount to being their accomplice in crime! The Ukrainians need the supplies to do the job of ending this failed Russian invasion and the only thing stopping them is the weakness of their allies.
    It is a weakness of choice and although the dependent countries have opposed Russia with words their deeds are less strident. The west must overcome their own fears for the future and deal with reality now. The Ukrainians should not have to beg for the tools to defeat Russia. One country has to lose so stop wiggle wagging and pick a side then go all in to help toward victory. The United States has done a lot for the Ukrainians but not enough to allow them to break the back of putins Russia. More concerning are the countries in Europe who really can make a quick and powerful difference who are sitting on their hands a bit too much whilst their fearful calculations about their dependence on Russia has gone stagnant for far too long!

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