Wednesday, January 25, 2023

(#5106) Still no verified sighting of putin

      Okay, even if putin is not dead he is surely hurting from whatever it is that is destroying him from inside. Maybe he is even suffering from his own mixture of toxic plutonium tea. Whatever the final analysis is of his ill health, the fact that he cannot appear in public or is actually already dead is what we all need to know. I know for a fact that the powers in the kremlin will lie their asses off in order to maintain some kind of an advantage so nothing that comes from the kremlin can be believed. As each day ticks off the calendar it is becoming clear that putin is done as leader of Russia whether by death or incapacitation.
     Now I could be wrong like I was with un in North Korea but this isn't that and although similar it is a much larger stage for putin not to be on especially when called out by Ukrainian president Zelenskyy. It is becoming clear also that even if putin is dead the powers in the kremlin want to continue the illegal invasion of Ukraine. The stupid was not just with the ego driven putin it is also an infection shared by the no bravery to be found worms in the kremlin. The people of Russia need to find a way to band together to turn the tables on the warlords in the madhouse kremlin. Meanwhile a reinvigorated offensive is coming from the Ukrainians to push the Russians out of all of Ukraine.
     When that new offensive from Ukraine starts there will be no stopping it. If Russia is smart, which they haven't yet shown they are, they would step back from this invasion and keep their nation intact. Otherwise Ukraine will feel emboldened to move into Russian territory and start liberating current Russian oppressed lands. Other border countries will feel the same and start to attack the wounded Russia as well. There is no good scenario left for Russia as they are losing troops at an alarming rate these last few weeks with 910 being lost just yesterday. The Ukrainian fiasco for putin is no longer his concern as he is nothing if not dead. The kremlin brutes will now be saddled with the grave costs coming down on their heads!

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