Thursday, January 26, 2023

(#5107) Capitalism and corruption keeping America in poverty

      The republican agenda is to help the wealthy keep and increase their wealth. Instead of allowing capitalistic markets compete fairly. So once you become wealthy you had better become a republican if you are a greedy punk! Otherwise be a democrat, who live by the motto of merit for those who earn it. Once you have made your mark in our capitalistic society there should be no advantage or privilege attached that keeps you in the money. Like all good things they end so should the enterprises that are no longer up to date. For example the energy sector and dirty coal as a energy supply. Yet we have politicians who would sell their mothers in order to protect owners of coal.
     New products need to hit the marketplace without being obstructed by old products who are trying to protect their market share. There is always the need to transition from one mode of product to an updated or radically improved one but not at the expense of tanking the new product. Capitalism works when fairness and equality of opportunity are abundant. But it doesn't work when it is manipulated to deny evolving toward smart and intelligent designs. The republican party is one where they have sold their objectivity for a price that forces them to defy logic. When the American electorate is finally tired of the failed rhetoric of division and hate is when our society will prosper beyond belief.
     Until our society is ready to turn from the republican party the messes of division and hatred will continue. We democrats are the only political party that surround our policies as best as possible around fairness and equality of opportunity. There is no selfishness nor selling of principles that underlie our mission. We want a world where there is no poverty, no hunger, no one without medical care and no one without a chance to pursue happiness. After all our nation was founded upon the principles of democracy and if we are to honor our fore parents we must continue to fight the forces of the republican party who would deny democracy to America's citizens.

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