Tuesday, May 3, 2022

(#4839) Pack the court!

     The republican party has just given us our rallying cry for the November midterm elections! Packing the court is the only way to stop the coming onslaught of denial of rights from the conservative religious right that now controls our Supreme Court. It has been done in the past and can be done now. I know we don't have the senate votes to pack the court with manchin and sinema keeping us from jettisoning the archaic racist filibuster but the midterms will give us the opportunity to add more democratic senators in order to discard the filibuster and make life altering policies that actually help the citizens of our nation and not hurt us like is currently being done by this irrational majority republican Supreme Court.
     They put the concept of some kind of god ahead of our democratic principle of separation of church and state written into our constitution. It is amazing to me that these right wing simpletons on the court are willing to rewrite our constitution because of some non real belief system regardless of it's popularity. I am sick and tired of some fairy tale dictating our destiny when logic, science, and common sense should be our guiding formula for evolving our constitution to fit our modern more enlightened times. Going backward to the fear mongering and crowd control methods of organized religion is an evolutionary step backwards and beneath the dignity of a forward moving species such as ours.
     I cannot express the shame I feel right now about how narrow minded and illogical the majority on our Supreme Court has become but it was predictable given the scourge republican party and their lowering of themselves to use any trick they can offer as a method for doing one thing, keeping power. They are not a governing party they are a user party that has no regard for reality and no regard for truth. What they are doing to our society is despicable and nothing expresses that despicability more than them taking away rights that have been settled law. For the life of me I cannot fathom the following republicans have but I know this, it is because they stopped thinking for themselves and have let a loyalty to party diminish their stature in an enlightened species like the human race.

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