Thursday, May 26, 2022

(#4862) To save abortion rights and implement common sense policies we must add to our Senate and keep our House

      It won't matter what this current Supreme Court in name only does this summer to our rights. We can change all of it next November when we democrats add to our majorities in both houses of Congress. Let me explain: When we add at least a few more senators to our majority we can then go about eliminating the senate filibuster. Demings, Ryan, and Fetterman, 3 democratic senators who well could win seats in the Senate, are all onboard with eliminating the filibuster. When that comes true next year in the next Congress, all policies that the House passed and then died in the Senate because of the filibuster would be reintroduced  and passed in the House and then go directly for a vote in the Senate.
     No more having to get 60 votes to get a bill from the House onto the floor of the Senate for debate and then passage. No more having to try and convince manchin and sinema to do the right thing since they would be made moot by the new incoming democratic senators. With 52 or more democratic senators they won't be needed to vote for eliminating the filibuster, which would only require 50 votes plus Vice President Harris if needed. Then the skies open up and all kinds of policies can occur. New abortion laws that enshrine women's right to choose into law. Also to me the most important is passing voting rights protections. As well getting DC and Puerto Rico in as states is another really important component. Gun control legislation,  federal minimum wage increase, Medicare for all, etc...
     There is nothing now more important in life than to win the upcoming election so that we democrats can lead The United States of America out of this republican induced nightmarish scenario. Every eligible democratic and independent voter must find a way to get themselves registered to vote and then actually vote. That is all it will take, each individual doing whatever they have to do in order for them to cast a vote for every democrat on their ballot. There is no other option in this current reality. We democrats are the best option for fixing problems while also creating new paradigms that actually help people improve their own lives. We are not a crutch for the conmen/women here in the states, we are a helping hand to those who actually need and desire help to get them going on their own.

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