Sunday, May 22, 2022

(#4858) Ukraine's decision to fight is reshaping our world for the better

      When Ukrainian President Zelenskyy famously said, "I don't need a ride (out of Ukraine to save himself), I need more ammunition", he provided a shocking recognition to the democracies in the world that has been nothing short of a call to action with purpose! His determination to fight the putin horde attacking his people's country has reawakened the fighting spirit that has always been a hallmark of democracies and their will to survive. With most all countries in the world siding with Ukraine the performance of the Ukrainians to push back against the murderous Russian horde has been inspiring and heroic.
     What this turnabout forced by Zelenskyy has accomplished is almost indescribable. He went from underdog and massively outgunned to now the strongest army in Ukraine with Russia on the defensive and most likely gearing up for an embarrassing loss. When Zelenskyy made the decision to fight with all his might he set the world order onto a new course. Russia had thought they would bully their way through Ukraine and capture the whole of it within days of it's illegal and inhumane invasion. Yet that is not the outcome. Instead the people of Ukraine, with help from ammunition from western countries have shown putin that he is not the omnipotent bully he thought he was.
     What is shaping reality now is the fact that putin has lost a huge percentage of his army while barely holding on to the gains they made from 2014 when the unofficially annexed parts of Ukraine. Even now those 2014 gains are in jeopardy and how much longer putin thinks he can hold out against a Ukrainian force approaching a million fighters is becoming increasingly unclear. As putin keeps weakening the Ukrainian force keeps getting stronger. Which is a perfect metaphor for the concept of democracy. As democracy fights back and autocracy diminishes, the same fate for other world leaders who think they can bully through strongarm tactics are finding that there is no oxygen in the room for them to breathe.

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