Monday, May 23, 2022

(#4859) The seditionist republican party calling for civil war

      To hear the cable news channels this morning it is like nothing abnormal is happening. Instead of running around with their hair on fire which they should be doing they are just acting like everything is normal. They have normalized the sedition and treasonous calls for civil war by the republican party so much that you would think it is normal to overthrow your own democratic government and replace it with a tyrannical one. I don't get it and many of us are just aghast at the bored nature of cable news. They live in a bubble and cannot for the life of me see the impending doom to our society.
     They keep living in this world where they see the traitors in the republican party gaining control of our government in the next election. I don't know why they keep believing these bought and paid for polls that keep republicans above their own despicable behavior but shame on them for doing so. I know it is just still May and the election is just under 6 months away but it is disgusting to me that the cable news channels are so lackadaisical about reality in our current moment. The republican party is offering the US citizens literally nothing as a platform but do the cable news networks highlight this? No, We who are ordinary citizens have to do that so the average voter rarely gets that information.
     Do the cable news outlets call republicans out for their constant lying and criminal behavior on a daily basis? No, but they sure do bring up controversial issues that face our society and want to know what we democrats are doing about them! Instead of focusing on the republican party which is mainly to blame for the problems we now face as a nation. The cable news outlets are instead being critical of democrats who are only trying to fix the problems that are hurting the working middle poor class that republicans keep creating. The narrative the cable news shows are pushing more and more are the demands for solutions from democrats needed in the moment instead of the causes created by republicans over and over and over. It is embarrassing and shameful yet with the cable news shows, like republicans, embarrassment and shame are not a problem.

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