Friday, May 13, 2022

(#4849) Another day closer to no more putin

      The Ukrainian people are thwarting the best of what Russia thought they could do when it came to murderous atrocities. Sure, Russia is still killing civilians but not at the rate that they were in the opening days of this cruel and brutish invasion. In fact the Russian army is being slaughtered at higher rates than they would have dreamed possible. Everywhere there are battles the Russians find themselves on the defensive. The morale of the Ukrainian people is high whereas the morale for the Russian invaders is basically nonexistent. What is their purpose there the Russian troops must be asking themselves?
     They know by now that this is not to liberate Ukraine from evil forces. Instead they are finding an unjustly harmed Ukrainian society that is angry and determined to turn the Russian invaders into fertilizer. There is little sympathy for the Russian horde that is invading and only the Geneva conventions of war are keeping many Russians alive that have surrendered or been captured. I know I would be hard pressed not to kill every Russian soldier who stepped foot on my country's soil but I am not the full bore savage that my inner self would like to become for moments in time like this. Not only are the Ukrainian people a good natured people even when warred upon but they are showing the world how to engage in a massive harm with dignity and respect.
     All of this to let you know that the worst of human natures are no match for the best of human natures. Which leads me back to putin who is the dictionary version of the worst of human natures. Not only is he a dark hearted dead soul but he is a chameleon, able to change his strategic behavior to fit the narrative. A straw man who can fool the fools. Well he cannot fool those of us who are not fools and instead he ignites within us a determined will to end all that he is. The walls of failure are closing in on the would be world dictator and with those closing walls come many different perils with specific intent to end the days of the murderous tyrant putin!

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