Tuesday, May 10, 2022

(#4846) We democrats are going to wipe republicans out in November!

      I have never believed the narrative that republicans would retake the House and Senate in November. They are just to much of a scummy party. The polling to me is not accurate in the first place. Democrats will come home and vote for democrats and not for independents and republicans. As well independents will vote for democrats over republicans as well. There may even be more republicans voting for democrats than what has been traditional. All because the republicans attempted an insurrection, restricted and obstructed voting rights, and just as important denied women of self determination over their own bodies.
     Sure the economy will be part of the equation that republicans will try to use as a wedge but Biden has produced a strong economy despite world wide inflation. The republican party is mostly responsible for the Covid and post Covid turmoil and we democrats will keep reminding voters of this fact. If trump had not lied about Covid for the first 6 weeks of its spread here in America we would never have had now more than a million Americans die. But he did lie and that is what caused a great downturn in our society. The republican party has not been an honest partner in getting Covid under control nor in getting relief to the American people.
     With everything against them the republican party has only the ability to lie their asses off to keep their voters in their ranks. But a vast majority of voters know how pitiful republicans are and how they always cause trouble when they are in power. There will be a reckoning for what they are about to do to Roe v. Wade on top of the already motivated democratic party. This coming November will be a wipe out of all the hopes and dreams of the power lusting republican party. When we democrats do reconvene Congress in 2023, be prepared to have democratic majorities that won't be stifled by the likes of manchin and sinema. Things will get done and we Americans will be better for it!

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