Friday, May 27, 2022

(#4863) The democratic wave is building

      Once again we are going to have a blue wave election. Much to the consternation of media pundits, the republicans are going to get clobbered. Under normal circumstances the party out of power usually gains in the midterms, but in this case that won't happen. Why you ask? I will tell you. Because after 2 years the party in power makes mistakes and has to answer for them from the party out of power that offers better solutions. Well with this current republican party there are no solutions being offered at all except to go back to wasn't working before democrats got into power.
     Another reason is that the republican party is a shithole of negatives. They are for too many of the policies that most of us hate. They are callous and reckless with power and end up destroying more than anything they may try to build. They are also clueless about how to lead. They decide what they don't want to do for us to solve problems and then stick their noses in the trough to feed their own desires. The republican alternative is sadly a known one. They keep trying to help the wealthy while ignoring the masses. For this reason alone it should be obvious that the republican party will not succeed in this coming November election.
     But the main reason the republican party will fail is that we democrats are actually doing okay with policies. The inflation thing is a byproduct of the trump failed leadership and is being addressed. The Covid virus that came to us under trump is also being addressed and solved. People are back to work and we are beating Russia in Ukraine. Very good things are happening under democratic leadership while the republicans are working overtime to enhance murders and their weapons and taking human rights away from all women. As the republican party keeps lying about their intentions their intentions are blowing up in their faces so no, the party out of power, the republicans, are not going to do well at all in this coming midterm election!

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