Thursday, May 19, 2022

(#4855) The putin invasion has shown who is for good and who is for bad

      The silver lining if at all is that all the world is having to show it's stance on the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. With China and some small rogue nations, not unexpected, siding with putin, the die is cast on their suspect participation in world events going forward. What is a bit of a shock is the stance of Turkey. I know that traditionally Turkey has been a key ally but over the last few decades Turkey has been leaning more into the Russian sphere of cooperation. They find themselves in a tough spot but doing the right thing is not always easy and in this case is not easy at all.
     But by choosing to help Russia more in this instance is wrong by many degrees. Russia is killing innocents in its invasion of Ukraine and Turkey is not applying the correct amount of empathy to help stop the Russian murder of Ukrainians. With Erdogan, the president of Turkey, putting a hold on the inclusion of Finland and Sweden into NATO the die is cast now on how Turkey moves forward. There is a lot of angst about this Erdogan decision and for me it is a game changer, like considering the necessity of Turkey's inclusion in NATO. But that is not the endgame yet and there is still time to persuade Turkey to stop the hold on the Finnish and Swedish inclusion into NATO.
     The weaknesses and strengths of our alliances around the world are being evaluated based upon the side each nation takes on the Ukrainian genocide. What is also being exposed is the republican party and its attachment to the trump/putin authoritarian destruction of democracy both here in the United States of America and in the world in general. The Ukrainian attack is a catalyst for all the world to consider and decide which side of history they will stand on. With most of the world against the illegal, murderous invasion and genocide of the sovereign nation of Ukrainian the die is also cast that the wests intent to stop Russia and putin in particular is absolute!

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