Monday, May 16, 2022

(#4852) Ukraine!

      Most observers have begun to conclude that putin and his Russian horde are defeated. It is just now about how the end game plays out. Will putin survive in the next few days or weeks from his failure? Or will he summon something beyond what is expected and survive this humiliating defeat? My bet is that he is toast and with the way he is viewed by many within his ranks it is very possible a coup will occur. The chaos that exists in his inner circle is a byproduct of putin's previously strong hand. Yet with each day his grip on power has weakened and how that plays out is another question to be answered. Who will step up and put an end to the putin regime?
     What putin has done with his murderous invasion of Ukraine is start a catalyst of strength now built within the Ukrainian resistance. How Ukraine comes out of all of this is now seen as much stronger than when they were first invaded. As Russia weakens Ukraine strengthens. The power play by putin has boomeranged so forcefully that now Russia is the prey and Ukraine is the hunter. There is no doubt in my mind that the forces within Russia also know this and should be well into planning putin's retirement such as that may be. I still believe that any day now putin will be done and a new leadership team will emerge from Moscow.
     The sooner a coup in Russia takes place the better for Russia in the world. As putin continues the worse it keeps getting for Russia to reemerge from this horrendous attempt to strong arm a sovereign nation. All the while Ukraine is fast becoming an ally to the west that is powerful and life changing. Europe will be much stronger in defending itself while also expanding democracy to other corners of the world. Ukraine is the hero in this era and because of them our world is going to be a better place to live. Not just for them but for all countries that can see what has happened in Ukraine and want the same for their own countries.

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