Wednesday, May 4, 2022

(#4840) too many republicans support putin and diminishing women's rights

      It is bad enough that the republican party is playing coy about helping Ukraine because it goes against putin and trump by extension, but they now want to destroy a women's right over her own body. What the fuck good is the republican party? Seriously! By letting putin do his own bidding in Ukraine the republican party is trying to destroy the young democracy that Ukraine wishes to establish. The anti American ideal of crushing democracy is a stain on the republican party that I thought would be enough for not insane people to hold republicans to account. But now add in their desire to end Roe v. Wade and you get an almost unbelievable duo of don't ever fucking do!
     No matter how you think about the idea of abortion, whether for or against, the choice to make should always be left to the woman, or female child. I personally am neutral on the idea of aborting a fetus but it is moot with me because, damnit I cannot get pregnant so I am not one to be involved in the decision. Women are the only ones who can decide whether to carry a fetus to term. That is there own paradigm and has nothing to do with we men who only can protect ourselves from impregnating a woman. Once we abdicate that right we also abdicate what happens afterward.
     So any policy that would take the right of the woman or young female to choose whether to abort a fetus, if that is her choice, cannot be allowed to become law. Each and every woman or female child has her own destiny to follow and what happens inside her body is part of that destiny. The insane judgment by the right wing members of the Supreme Court is to disallow a woman/female child her right to choose the destiny of her own self. Their right wing illogic is not consistent with liberty, equality, nor fairness. I am so sick and tired of the right wing, especially the men, who are the majority within it of trying to make laws that segregate against, while denigrating those who are not like them.

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