Saturday, May 14, 2022

(#4850) Is putin dying?

      Rumors of putin having Parkinson's disease and or cancer are getting louder. Yesterday there were reports allegedly from insiders that putin had cancer. His physical well being has been questioned a lot lately since he is showing signs of some form of disability. His current behavior suggests some kind of a mental deterioration, not so much cognitively but in his manner and abruptness. There are some signs like the puffiness of his face and the gait of his walk. It is almost like he is trying to hide a battle within himself that is more physical in nature than mental. If so then putin is facing more than one threat to his existence and may be why he is so adamant to secure his legacy.
     I don't think that putin is insane in his calculations but he is definitely not within the bounds of normalcy. Which to me is why we cannot wait to end his reign. There are leaders in France and Germany who would like to broker a cease fire right now on behalf of Russia so that a peace for a moment may be had. Yet Zelenskyy and Biden are opposed since it would only allow putin desperately needed time to reshuffle his forces into better positions for them to continue to attack in short order under some false flag claim. Zelenskyy and Biden are correct to ignore these calls for a cease fire since Ukraine has the upper hand in the fighting now and could well defeat the Russian horde shortly.
     That putin will die at some point in the near future is questionable since we do have laws that would keep him in prison for the rest of his life but if an attack from within his body is also raging then so be it and good luck to the disease within him. I say that because putin will not stop until someone stops him and the quicker the better for all the innocents who will be dead because putin is a living monster. Ukraine is kicking the hell out of Russian troops this morning and Russia is on the run back to it's borders in many areas of Ukraine. Russia is not done in some areas though and will keep on fighting and killing as long as putin is leading the illegal and murderous invasion.

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