Saturday, May 7, 2022

(#4843) putin will be gone by the end of this month if not sooner

      It won't be much longer before dead man walking putin is spaced into the sun, metaphorically or not. He has handled his murderous invasion so poorly that not even all his preparations over the past several decades will protect him from the looming outcome. He will lose his attempt to take over the eastern section of Ukraine and will as well be tossed out of Crimea when all the dust settles on his defeat. The Russian people will find out the true nature of putin's rule and they will not let him off the hook for it. Nothing going forward is a positive for putin so his only hope is to hang on as long as possible.
     Yet hanging on is not a strategy for survival. It is just a matter of time before his tenuous grip is not enough and he falls to his fate. His own inner circle is as nervous as he is and in that type of authoritarian system no one is safe from each other, not even putin. Someone from his inner circle will do the deed and eliminate putin in order to survive themselves. The future of Russia is at stake and the longer putin keeps up his mad murderous invasion the further Russia gets away from any type of reintegration back into civilized society. I doubt very much that the powers that be in Russia wish to be like the pariah north korea and be banished to the wastelands of society.
     In short order, within the next week or 10 days Ukraine will begin it's offensive maneuvers to shove the Russia invasion force from Ukrainian land. After that defeat there is little putin can do to change his own fate of being ousted permanently. There will be no face saving and instead there will be charges of the worst kind of war crimes. Both putin specifically and Russia generally will share in the penalties for murderous behavior beyond any recognizable defense should putin survive any palace coup. The options for putin are gone and only his incarceration or his death will be acceptable. I see this end for putin very soon and I am sure I am not the only one.

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