Thursday, May 12, 2022

(#4848) The Biden presidency will reshape the world

      For all the things that are wrong in our societies the order for reshaping them is now under way. In the world at large one of the greatest threats to world order is being addressed in Ukraine and soon to be in Moscow. The end of putin and his ego driven ambitions is about to be concluded. the reuniting of the western world around the principle of democracy and self determination is about to be reinstated. In the world there are real hopes of a new reinvigoration of cooperation and respect. I like what I am seeing from what started with Ukrainian president Zelenskyy to other world leaders including our own president.
     There is much work to be done here in the states but the enemy to our society has been identified. The republican party has been for decades on a mission to deny the will of the American people and instead want to force us to accept their distorted theology as the only path forward. Well we have an election in 180 days and the opportunity to bolster our democratic advantages in the bi-cameral Congress is near. With a few more filibuster ending senate candidates elected, added to our already 50 senators the filibuster will be voted out as a rule and then we democrats will have the majority right to reshape our election laws and many more things including adding deserving new states to our union. An example is DC where it has a population larger than Vermont and also Wyoming, yet no congressional representation.
     As well, the job Joe Biden is doing to make life better for the working middle poor class, although obstructed by republicans and the misguided nonsense from manchin and sinema, is moving forward, albeit not fast enough. But that will change in the next election where legislation will be coming fast and furious without any way for republicans to block it. Joe has the heart of our nation in his heart and that is what a real president should have. For all the punditry and polls downplaying the hateful and treasonous republican party and actually touting them as somewhat favorites in the next election, a real awakening will be coming to them. We democrats and like minded independents and even some republicans are going to vote in a wave that no lying, cheating, republican can recover from.

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