Friday, June 22, 2018

A man of shame and a man of hope (#3430)

     The republican party has their leader and he is a shameful lout. He is in the process of tormenting migrants both parents but especially children. Undear leader trump has no empathy for these folks fleeing worse conditions only to find themselves treated like livestock under the trump regime. Unlike Obama who had the honesty and decency to care about these migrants who had little to lose by coming to America where hope still existed, well at least until trump took charge, now no hope is what they are finding. In fact less than hope as their children were ripped from them and sent to who knows where and even given drugs to "calm them down from their forced separations".
     Under President Obama, migrants were at least given the respect of staying together and not treated as felonious criminals. It is a misdemeanor to enter our country illegally, not a high crime much like what the trump administration and its officials commit daily. So singling out the migrants as despicable infesting desperados is indicative of what the trumps really must feel about themselves but transference is their mantra so that is how they roll it up. With the mindless serfs over at fox news obviously blaming everyone on Earth for what the trumps are doing you can see how the shame of it all rests squarely with the republican party and trump most of all.
     Now President Obama took care to respect those coming to our nation as refugees, not so much criminals and rapists like republicans project. President Obama, an elected president, not an appointed one, also held out his hand to comfort those who were victims of nefarious deeds that led them to flight. Realizing and rationalizing that we are all human beings who make up our world and that being a decent human being is above the criteria of being a hateful one republicans have wholly embraced in their leader trump. The man of shame is trump for his vile reactions to those who are in pain and suffering while President Obama is the man of hope who reaches out his hand to lift up those who are most needing of a comfort.

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