Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The necessity of reclaiming democratic control of Congress (#3421)

     The infiltration of Russian actors into our political system is without doubt. But the republicans who benefit from it are not going to purge them from our internal process. That republicans were/are so desperate to keep what power they currently have is the reason for their looking the other way at the Russian influence. This should tell you all you need to know about how republicans view our American democracy. But if you are unclear let me sum it up for you. The republican party prefers power and wealth over democracy and their collusion with Russian operatives to thwart the will of the American people is secondary to their own greed and selfishness. I will go so far as to call them traitors when the evidence shows they lied and obstructed the truth.
     So it is with no doubt that the saving grace for our democracy will take place on November 6th, 2018, just 146 days from now. The catch phrase all year long has been a building blue wave for democrats to win the election in November and put the trump and republican leaders under a microscope so as to identify and remove the cowards who sold our democracy to a foreign hostile power. Once we get clear headed investigations through the investigative powers of Congress the quicker we can get at the truth of things and begin to heal our nation of the cowardly complicity republicans and the trumps, whom they are currently operating under.
     The bill is due for republicans and on November 6th, the bill must be paid. I have come to completely believe that American politicians from the republican party here in our great democracy are undermining our form of government. Because the proof is in the doing and republicans and trump have shown us the doing, so we must stop them from doing any more harm. That we have to put up with it for 146 more days is the pits but we have weathered it for the last 500 plus days so we can make it if all we patriots of American democracy will not only stand firm our ground but start to take ground back. We can still protest and march as rallying points to effectively show the world that trump and republicans are not who the majority of us Americans are!

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